Monday, October 18, 2010

Tearing out flooring hurts

Saturday, the Mrs. decided it was time for our 11 year old carpet and "hard woods" to leave the house... yea me.  I spent the whole bloody day stooped over tearing out carpet and busting "engineered hardwood floors" out of the main floor.  Why?  Well, the carpet got done in by a carpet cleaning accident about 10 years ago, and never recovered.  Did you know that if you have a stain-treated carpet you are only supposed to clean it with HOT water?  Yeah, me either.

So Sunday morning breaks, and I am SORE.  My legs, my back, my glutes--so much nicer than saying arse, are all sore.  I tell the Mrs. I'm gonna go run it out, and check the temps.  Hmmm, 34.  Good time to break out the new tights.  Also, since there is only one week 'til the race, I decide that I will test the Nathan Speed 4 modifications with full bottles.  So, I get all ready and head out for a nice little 8.5 miler.  I don't want to push too hard, I still need my ankle for next Sunday, and 8.5 is a nice run.

It was definitely frosty out yesterday, and the two wooden bridges that I cross were nice a shiny in the shade with their coats of ice.  I wasn't enough to make them dangerous, but enough to make me step very squarely on them.  I had put a jacket on, and the sun was out and hot, so I peeled the jacket off after about 3 miles.  I like my new nano for being able to keep it clipped to my shirt collar and not have to worry about pulling the earbuds out when I take my jacket off.

When I got home, I was still super stiff and sore, so I popped a couple four advil and called it a work-out.  I tested the "re-calibrate" choice on the new Nano, and found that it does indeed correct the time and pace for the adjusted distance.  Yea!  Now I don't have to keep doing that math for it.

Then, since I am such a cool guy, I gave the Mrs. her present for running the 5K next week early.  So she can get used to it and get it loaded with her own stuff.  She has a nice new shiny pink Nano all of her own.  I had it engraved with "I am proud of you".  For her accomplishment of becoming a runner.  It will be really fun to try to get to the finish line before she does on Sunday just so I can watch her finish, but I don't know if I can run that fast.

OK, I've bored you enough for one day.  The race is in 6 days, and I am looking forward to it.  As for the floors, well, I have a week to get them in...we will see.


  1. Awww man, how sweet that you got your beloved a pink nano. =) And for ripping up carpet and hardwood. Wow, that's hard work.

  2. I can understand how sore that kind of work can make you! Nice job on the run with sore glutes.

  3. You guys are both going to do great!
    Just couldn't wait for the gift, huh?! :))
    She must have loved it!
    Lay off the hard work for a week or so now ...

  4. the best part of becoming a runner: it makes manual labor a labor of love (am I joking?)

    i would be shamefully honored if you plagiarized my marathon plan (I only plagiarized God knows how many). I am going to talk to some of my marathon buddies down here to your south about traveling together/sharing expenses. And then I'll make my definite plans.
