Thursday, October 7, 2010

Break-up Song (or, Parting is such sweet sorrow)

It was with some regret that I managed to transfer over to here most of the blog-postings that I had made at the "other site".  I only brought over the ones that weren't completely site-specific.  I also managed to delete the photos from the account.  Thus I end my brief tour there.  It was fun, and I met some interesting and fun folks, some are followers here, some I may never see again.  It happens.  The part that is the most saddening is that this was all brought about by the "other site" trying to help their users with a big upgrade.  Alas, I may never hear from CatChowder1 or TexasRunningFool, or fill in another Friday blank for mnchick34 again.  But this is the path I must needs take.  In a little while, I will begin the "remove friend" process along with notes to each person as to why, in case they haven't been following along.  It seems the only polite thing to do.  I figure once I do that, the only reason to use the RWOL account will be for info from RW directly.


  1. How'd you delete your photos?

    Looks like you have moved a lot of your early posts successfully! I know you will miss some people there.

  2. I used the fact that "tab" will move through web pages. Go to your photos page, once it loads, choose a gallery, then push the tab button until you see the check boxes.

  3. This post makes me so sad. I miss The Loop so very much. Awww man, mentioning the FFITB made my heart go "bloop". What a wonderful community. Gosh I love them so much.

  4. Yes, there will be many people missed from there. Mostly the constant support, but I gave up with the "upgrade" after really trying to live with it for 10 days.

  5. I have found you again. Glad to see that you are still posting somewhere.

  6. Thanks C2. And thanks to ERG, I can add your blog to my list...

  7. I did the same thing but haven't started the daunting task of moving a whole year's worth of blogs over. I figured I'll still post on the loop though but not as much as on my own site.
