Monday, May 30, 2011

Signage for Saturday!!

Who is going to be running in the Run for the Roses in Sherwood this coming Saturday?  I will be going out to get the stuff to make signs for the path.  Also, if you tell me which race you are running, I can make sure they are in good spots to give a little boost at the right times.  I will warn everyone that is running the Pikermi (13.1 miler) that the little climb up to mile 8 will be a bit of a tough one if you don't do hills often.  It isn't a huge climb it is just a bit steep for a short distance and everyone that runs it gives that little road a nod for being just a little tough.  Just leave me a comment or send me an e-mail at nstrickland007-at-gmail-dot com and let me know what name you want on the signs.  I am looking forward to possibly meeting some of you.

And for all the service members in all the countries in the world that have served ever, and especially those who served when our "leaders" were being less than intelligent, Thank you.  Your service allows me and all of us who post blogs from around the world to be able to do so.


  1. Thanks for the note about the hill at mile 8. Aren't there a lot of hills on this course?

    Scott and I (Kim) are doing the Pikermi. Looking forward to meeting you and being encouraged by your signs! Stacie is also doing the half, but I'm sure she'll tell you herself.

  2. Thanks from an ex-service member of the Canadian Armed Forces.

    Watch over those runners!

  3. Amen to your second paragraph. Couldn't have said it better.

    And yes, you'll have to do your speed work. It's the adult equivalent to eating brussel spouts as a kid. You just deal with it, and maybe come to like it.

    That said, I still dislike brussel sprouts.

  4. I wish I could join in and run.

    I'm gimpy. :(

  5. (Just)Trying, there are a bunch of rollers on this course, but that one just before mile 8 is steep and comes at the end of a long climb. It won't be an easy, flat course, but if the weather is nice, then the view isn't too bad (if you like horses, cows, goats and llama).

    Andrew, your pictures of your run in the park are amazing.

    Patrick, yeah, I guess you are correct, and I hate brussel sprouts too.

    FF, I might make a sign just for you.

  6. I do believe that a "thanks" goes out to you as well. So -- thanks.

  7. The rollers are what kept Miss Fruit Fly away from this little jaunt, before she got injured.

    Rumor has it there might be some jello shots at the finish?

  8. Well, since the finish is at a high school, any shots would have to be away from the school. I know a place that is about a mile away that just might be accommodating. I would have to check with the boss though... As I say often, "Me casa es SUE'S casa."

  9. I'm so excited about the signs :) I've never had one at a race before. Heck, I'm lucky if I can even drag someone I know, family or otherwise, to watch.

    Did someone say hills? UGGHHH. I'm so freakin slow. At least this will give me an excuse, right? This is my first of 4 and I'm hoping to keep my knees happy. I'm going for fun and just going to enjoy it.

    Thanks again for doing the signs. So cool. Can't wait to meet you.

  10. Dude, you need to free your mind and your pedal cadence and swim stroke will follow. Don't want to do trathlon? Fair enough. Don't like swimming? Also fair enough, it's certainly not my favorite part of the process. But I'll give you two hours worth of weekly cycling workouts that will make your running improve be leaps and bounds.
