Sunday, March 16, 2014

Guess I need to start running.

So, I signed up for a race today.  I will need to get up to speed in the next 12 weeks.  I paid for it, so I have no choice.  I guess that was always why I felt the need to spend money on "the next race".  It was the fire under the back-side to get out the door when the lazies took over.

I lost my mojo a while ago.  The three of you that read this, can probably figure out where and when.  But, I have been putting the past behind me and coming to terms with my own failings and shortfalls, and learning from those mistakes and miscues.  So, now to begin anew and to get my days started before the dawn and to find new paths to run.  I have a whole new area to explore now, and I will begin going to a gym soon as well.  My new partner in crime is excited to see us get into shape, and to begin being healthy active folks again.  She wants to join me on my long runs (when the get to be long) by riding her bike next to that is going to be interesting.  I am looking forward to that.

I have a few other ideas about the things I would like to do, but I will start with the running and the going to the gym, and see where that takes me.  I know that I am now back to the weight I was back in the dark ages of, I know I need to run.  I can't wear my kilt right now, and that is NO GOOD.

I will be here more often as well.  I promise Keeley, you will have more blogs to comment on, and I in turn will try to read more blogs myself.  I do want to know how you guys are doing.

Cheers for now.